
A climate positive RAGN-SELLS by 2030

“Ragn-Sells will be climate positive in 2030 through innovative circular solutions that both detoxify and recycle back critical resources to society”
– Lars Lindén, Ragn-Sells Group CEO

We have both a responsibility but also an opportunity – to make a positive difference reducing the threat of climate change. We are committed to the Paris Agreement and will contribute limiting the global temperature increase to well below 2°C, aiming for 1.5°C, by the end of the century.

From our own history we know that when other see and end, we see a beginning and that challenges always can become opportunities and lead to amazing innovations. That’s why we remain optimistic. By 2030, our ambition is to become climate positive by reducing more greenhouse gas emissions by both fazing out fossil fuels but also support the society with carbon storage as well as introducing innovations that reduces emissions outside our own operation.

Becoming climate positive

Ragn-Sells climate footprint and responsibility stretch across the whole value chain, from how we are collecting waste and turn them into resources that can be recirculated and transported to customer.

1. Eliminating greenhouse gas emissions: We will reduce GHG emissions from the all Ragn-Sells operations in absolute terms by working with our partners, suppliers and customers around the world. Where possible, we aim to eliminate them. There will be a specific challenge with our contractors and securing minimum leakage from our landfills.

2. Promote and develop circular loops: Always prefer recirculated resources in our procurement process and develop solutions that increase recirculation of resources. No debts or hindrances should be pushed to future generations and resources should be detoxified before circulation. 50% of carbon emitted in the world are due to un-circularity.

3. Storing carbon in land and invent solutions that reduces carbon emissions by using carbon capture. We will explore and improve ways to store carbon through our landfills and how we can support best agricultural practices. We will develop our landfills to become material banks and sites for carbon storage.

4. Partnering with others: Expand our #belovedcity to all our markets when possible, focusing on taking part of developing industrial symbioses etc. The change will only come if we work together, share knowledge and co-create solutions.

5. Taking actions together: We will lead by example and engage with others to advocate for policy changes and inspire policymakers to correct action to achieve a low-carbon society.

6. Transparency: We will be transparent about our progress. We will only achieve our climate positive ambition when we have achieved net zero GHG emissions, supported by strong external engagement and advocacy.

We are still only at the beginning of this exciting journey, but we can’t wait to take action!

It is of importance to push for short-term actions to accelerate the needed absolute reductions by 2030 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

During 2020 a detailed plan the next 10 years in taking Ragn-Sells into a climate positive position will be done in each and every part of our business, by each and every head of Business-Area.

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